Bagaimana Menjadi Siswa Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional
(An Experiences/ Sebuah Pengalaman)
Diedit dan ditambah
Bapak Endang J. S.Pd., Bapak Drs. Ahmad S. dan Bapak Nanang S.
SMAN 1 Banjar, Jawa Barat
Arip Nurahman
(Indonesia University of Education, Bandung Indonesia & Open Course Ware at The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States.)
The word student is etymologically derived through Middle English from the Latin second-type conjugation verb "studēre", meaning "to direct one's zeal at"; hence a student could be described as 'one who directs zeal at a subject'. In its widest use, "student" is used for anyone who is learning
United Kingdom and Ireland
The term student is usually reserved for people studying at University level in the UK. Children studying at school are called pupils.
Students In England and Ireland
In England and Wales, teenagers in the last two years of school are called "sixth formers". If pupils follow the average pattern of school attendance, pupils will be in the "lower sixth" between the ages of 16 and 17, and the "upper sixth" between 17 and 18. They "go up" to University after the upper sixth.
In Scotland pupils sit Highers at the end of fifth year (when aged 16-17) after which it is possible for them to gain entry to university. However, many do not achieve the required grades and remain at school for sixth year. Even among those that do achieve the necessary grades it is common to remain at school and undertake further study (i.e. other subjects or Advanced Highers) and then start university at the same time as their friends and peers.
Students in United States
Before first year
Some schools use the term "prefrosh" or "pre-frosh" to describe their newly admitted students. Schools often offer a campus preview weekend for prefroshes to know the schools better. A student is considered a prefrosh until he or she registers for the first class.
First year
A freshman (slang alternatives that are usually derogatory in nature include "fish", "fresher", "frosh", "newbie", "freshie", "snotter", "fresh-meat", etc.) is a first-year student in college, university or high school. The less-common[citation needed] gender-neutral synonym "first-year student" exists; the variation "freshperson" is rare.[citation needed]
In many traditions there is a remainder of the ancient (boarding, pre-commuting) tradition of fagging. He may also be subjected to a period of hazing or ragging as a pledge(r) or rookie, especially if joining a fraternity/sorority or certain other clubs, mainly athletic teams. For example, many high schools have initiation methods for freshmen, including, but not limited to, Freshman Duct-taped Throw, Freshman races, Freshman Orientation, Freshman Freshening (referring to poor hygiene among freshmen), and the Freshman Spread.
Even after that, specific rules may apply depending on the school's traditions (e.g., wearing a distinctive beanie), non-observance of which may result in punishment in which the paddle may come into play.
Second year
In the U.S., a sophomore is a second-year student. Folk etymology has it that the word means "wise fool"; consequently "sophomoric" means "pretentious, bombastic, inflated in style or manner; immature, crude, superficial" (according to the Oxford English Dictionary). It appears to be most likely formed from Greek "sophos", meaning "wise", and "moros" meaning "foolish", although it may also have separately originated from the word "sophumer", an obsolete variant of "sophism"[1]. Outside of the U.S. the term "sophomore" is rarely used, with second-year students simply called "second years".
Post-second year
In the U.S. a "junior" is a student in the penultimate (usually third) year and a "senior" a student in the last (usually fourth) year of college, university, or high school. A college student who takes more than the normal number of years to graduate is sometimes referred to as a "super senior".[2] The term "underclassman" is used to refer collectively to freshmen and sophomores, and "upperclassman" to refer collectively to juniors and seniors, sometimes even sophomores. The term "middler" is used to describe a third-year student of a school (generally college) which offers five years of study. In this situation, the fourth and fifth years would be referred to as "junior" and "senior" years, respectively.
International students are students, usually in early adulthood, who study in foreign educational institutions. While most universities have official student exchange programs, some well-funded high schools have them, too. Although some students travel abroad mainly to improve their language skills, others travel to advance their specialized studies. Still others study abroad because suitable tertiary education is either in short supply or unavailable altogether in their home countries. In addition, in many parts of the world, a foreign degree, especially if earned from certain countries, is honored more than a local one.
Aspek-aspek yang dikembangkan pada Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional adalah standar kompetensi
lulusan standar Internasional,
kurikulum standar internasional,
PBM standar internasional,
SDM standar internasional,
fasilitas standar internasional,
manajemen standar internasional,
pembiayaan standar internasional,
penilaian standar internasional.
Standar kompetensi lulusan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional adalah keberhasilan lulusan yang melanjutkan ke sekolah internasional dalam negeri maupun di luar negeri dengan tetap berkepribadian bangsa Indonesia,
menguasai dan terampil menggunakan ICT,
mampu debat dengan Bahasa Inggris,
terdapat juara internasional dalam bidang:
budaya, dll,
mampu menyelesaikan, tugas–tugas dan mengumpulkan portofolio dengan baik,
mampu meyampaikan/mendemonstrasikan tugas-tugas dari guru/sekolah,
mampu melaksanakan eksprimen dalam pengembangan pengetahuan dan keterampilan,
mampu menemukan / membuktikan pengalaman belajarnya dengan berbagai karya,
mampu menulis dan mengarang dengan bahasa asing atau dengan bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar,
memperoleh kejuaraan olimpiade internasional dalam bidang:
stronomi, dan atau lainnya
Iditunjukkan dengan sertifikat internasional),
NUAN rata-rata tinggi (> 7,5),
memiliki kemampuan penguasaan teknologi dasar,
melakukan kerjasama dengan berbagai pihak, baik secara individual, kelompok/kolektif (lokal, nasional, regional, dan global) dengan bukti ada piagam kerjasama atau MoU yang dilakukan oleh lulusan,
memiliki dokumen lulusan tentang karya tulis, persuratan, administrasi sekolah, penelitian, dll dalam bahasa asing atau dengan bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar,
memiliki dokumen dan pelaksanaan, pengelolaan kegiatan belajar secara baik (ada perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan, pengkoordinasian, dan evaluasi) dari lulusan, menguasai budaya bangsa lain, memiliki dokumen karya tulis, nilai, dll tentang pemahaman budaya bangsa lain dari lulusan,
memiliki pemahaman terhadap kepedulian dengan lingkungan sekitar sekolah, baik lingkungan sosial, fisik maupun budaya,
memiliki berbagai karya-karya lain dari lulusan yang bermanfaat bagi dirinya maupun orang lain, bangsa, dll, dan terdapat usaha-usaha dan atau karya yang mencerminkan jiwa kewirausahaan lulusan.
Begitu banyak kriteria yang harus dimiliki oleh SISWA SEKOLAH BERTARAF INTERNATIONAL, menurut pengalaman penulis kriteria ini memang sangat sulit sekali diraih oleh tiap individu pada diri siswa. Namun tidak ada yang tidak mungkin bila kita terus berusaha dengan tekun dan optimal serta sistematis.
Pengalaman Penulis ketika berusaha bagaimana untuk menjadi seorang SISWA SEKOLAH BERTARAF INTERNATIONAL? adalah tidak serumit dan sekomplikasi seperti yang disebutkan dalam kriteria tadi.
Cukuplah 4 keterampilan awal ini yang harus dikembangkan dalam diri SISWA, dengan KEJUJURAN maka potensi sisiwa yang sesungguhnya akan muncul. Mengusai Bahasa Inggris adalah awal atau kunci pembuka ilmu-ilmu pengetahuan pendukung lainnya.
Mampu memanfaatkan ICT maka SISWA mampu menjalin relasi dengan berbagai orang dari belahan dunia manapun.
Terampil menulis dan mempublikasikan Karya-karya Ilmiah, siswa akan mendapat kepercayaan luas dari masyarakat Luas, terutama oleh masyarakat AKADEMIS.
Dengan niat yang sungguh-sungguh dan keyakinan semoga setiap jiwa-jiwa yang ingin menggapai tujuan akan dibimbing oleh DIA YANG MAHA DI ATAS SEGALANYA.
Prospective international students are usually required to sit for language tests, such as IELTS[1] & TOEFL[2](English speaking education), DELF[3] (French speaking education) or DELE[4] (Spanish speaking education), before they are admitted. Tests notwithstanding, while some international students already possess an excellent command of the local language upon arrival, some find their language ability, considered excellent domestically, inadequate for the purpose of understanding lectures, and/or of conveying oneself fluently in rapid conversations.
Many countries force international students to pay higher tuition than citizens of the country. This discrimination is usually justified by the argument that the students' parents do not pay taxes in the country. The fact that a large number of international students decide to settle in the country where they are studying and become productive citizens is, however, ignored in such cases.
International student programs have over the years encountered a number of criticisms, both from the host countries and from the international students themselves. While some of the criticisms are well-founded, others are based on misperceptions or even racism.
International student programs can be a politically sensitive issue in the host countries. Opponents of the programs fear that international students would take the limited university placements away from local students. Proponents of the programs counter this belief by arguing that the high fees paid by international students enable universities to maintain, or even increase, placements for local students.
It is not unusual for international students to encounter language problems in the host countries. Despite the pre-admission language tests — which might give the students a false sense of mastery over a foreign language — students often find it difficult to understand the coursework, and some might feel that their lecturers are unhelpful in explaining the coursework to them. Academics, under pressure from cash-strapped university authorities to retain international students, sometimes make the courses easier, to the resentment of many local students. It has been speculated that language difficulties may contribute to the problem of plagiarism, particularly in the form of using essay mills.[5]
Finally, many would-be employers, especially those within the host countries, find some former international students have unsatisfactory language abilities, despite having earned university degrees.
A major drawback of International Students Programs is the reluctance of universities, in the host country, to face immigration limitations and expose them clearly to their incoming foreign students.
* They may have difficulties in obtaining a long term work visa.
* They may face as a consequence large salary gaps in comparison to their fellow nationals.
* The tuition fees may be too high with respect to their work prospects.
* They may be barred from high profile jobs where citizenship is a prerequisite.
* 1. IELTS
* 2. TOEFL
* 3. DELF
* 4. DELE
* 5. Plagiarism rises amid funding cuts
Senin, 27 Oktober 2008
E-Learning Kota Banjar
Minggu, 19 Oktober 2008
Bapak Endang J. S.Pd., Bapak Drs. Ahmad S. dan Bapak Nanang S.
SMAN 1 Banjar, Jawa Barat
Arip Nurahman
(Indonesia University of Education, Bandung Indonesia & Open Course Ware at The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States.)
In education, a teacher is one who helps students or pupils, often in a school, as well as in a family, religious or community setting. A teacher is an acknowledged guide or helper in processes of learning. A teacher's role may vary between cultures. Academic subjects are emphasized in many societies, but a teacher's duties may include instruction in craftsmanship or vocational training, spirituality, civics, community roles, or life skills. In modern schools and most contemporary occidental societies, where scientific pedagogy is practiced, the teacher is defined as a specialized profession on the same level as many other professions.
Teaching may be carried out informally, within the family (see Homeschooling) or the wider community. Formal teaching may be carried out by paid professionals. Such professionals enjoy a status in some societies on a par with physicians, lawyers, engineers, and accountants (Chartered or CPA).
A teacher's professional duties may extend beyond formal teaching. Outside of the classroom teachers may accompany students on field trips, supervise study halls, help with the organization of school functions, and serve as supervisors for extracurricular activities. In some education systems, teachers may have responsibility for student discipline.
Around the world teachers are often required to obtain specialized education and professional licensure. The teaching profession is regarded for having a body of specialised professional knowledge, codes of ethics and internal monitoring.
There are a variety of bodies designed to instill, preserve and update the knowledge and professional standing of teachers. Around the world many governments operate teacher's colleges, which are generally established to serve and protect the public interest through certifying, governing and enforcing the standards of practice for the teaching profession.
The functions of the teacher's colleges may include setting out clear standards of practice, providing for the ongoing education of teachers, investigating complaints involving members, conducting hearings into allegations of professional misconduct and taking appropriate disciplinary action and accrediting teacher education programs. In many situations teachers in publicly funded schools must be members in good standing with the college, and private schools may also require their teachers to be college members. In other areas these roles may belong to the State Board of Education, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the State Education Agency or other governmental bodies. In still other areas Teaching Unions may be responsible for some or all of these duties.
Pedagogy and teaching
In education, teachers facilitate student learning, often in a school or academy or perhaps in another environment such as outdoors. A teacher who teaches on an individual basis may be described as a tutor.
The objective is typically accomplished through either an informal or formal approach to learning, including a course of study and lesson plan that teaches skills, knowledge and/or thinking skills. Different ways to teach are often referred to as pedagogy. When deciding what teaching method to use teachers consider students' background knowledge, environment, and their learning goals as well as standardized curricula as determined by the relevant authority. Many times, teachers assist in learning outside of the classroom by accompanying students on field trips. The increasing use of technology, specifically the rise of the internet over the past decade has begun to shape the way teachers approach their role in the classroom.
The objective is typically a course of study, lesson plan, or a practical skill. A teacher may follow standardized curricula as determined by the relevant authority. The teacher may interact with students of different ages, from infants to adults, students with different abilities and students with learning disabilities.
Secondary School Teachers
Perhaps the most significant difference between primary and secondary teaching in the UK is the relationship between teachers and children. In primary schools each class has a teacher who stays with them for most of the week and will teach them the whole curriculum. In secondary schools they will be taught by different subject specialists each session during the week and may have 10 or more different teachers. The relationship between children and their teachers tends to be closer in the primary school where they act as form tutor, specialist teacher and surrogate parent during the course of the day.
This is true throughout most of the United States as well. However, alternative approaches for primary education do exist. One of these, sometimes referred to as a "platoon" system, involves placing a group of students together in one class that moves from one specialist to another for every subject. The advantage here is that students learn from teachers who specialize in one subject and who tend to be more knowledgeable in that one area than a teacher who teaches many subjects. Students still derive a strong sense of security by staying with the same group of peers for all classes.
Co-teaching has also become a new trend amongst educational institutions. Co-teaching is defined as two or more teachers working harmoniously to fulfill the needs of every student in the classroom. Co-teaching focuses the student on learning by providing a social networking support that allows them to reach their full cognitive potential. Co-teachers work in sync with one another to create a climate of learning.
Berbicara tentang cita-cita anak-anak di masa sekarang tentu sudah akan berbeda dengan 20 bahkan 10 tahun yang lalu, dimana lebih banyak anak yang bercita-cita menjadi dokter, pengacara, maupun pilot. Kemudian dimana anak-anak memposisikan guru? Bukankah setiap hari mereka selalu berhadapan dengan guru mereka dan berinteraksi dengan mereka?
Berbicara mengenai guru, tentu yang akan terlintas dalam benak kita adalah gaji yang sedikit serta kualitas mereka. Jika kita sering memperhatikan berita-berita yang ada di surat kabar, cerita tentang nasib guru bukanlah cerita yang menyenangkan, akan tetapi cerita yang suram dan menyedihkan. Misalnya nasib guru kontrak yang ada di wilayah-wilayah pelosok Indonesia. Hal ini tentu dapat dijadikan refleksi bagi institusi penghasil guru serta pemerintah.
Ketika kondisi pendidikan di Indonesia semakin memprihatinkan, dimana biaya pendidikan semakin mahal, masyarakat menuntut kualitas pengajaran yang baik. Sebagaimana dikemukakan oleh Freire (2002), pendidikan harus melibatkan tiga unsur sekaligus dalam hubungan dialektisnya yang ajeg, yaitu pengajar, pelajar atau anak didik, serta realitas dunia, maka kita tidak dapat menyalahkan guru semata yang mungkin dinilai tidak qualified untuk mengajar, melainkan kita juga perlu mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor yang lain yang mendukung kondisi pendidikan kita.
Peningkatan kualitas para guru memang masih dipertanyakan sampai sekarang ini. Fenomena yang ada di masyarakat menunjukkan bahwa banyak para sarjana di bidang non kependidikan mengambil alternatif program tambahan Akta IV atau program kependidikan guna mendapat sertifikat supaya dapat menjadi guru. Pada umumnya mereka mengambil alternatif Akta IV sebagai alternatif terakhir mengingat pekerjaan yang lain sangat sulit diperoleh. Bagaimana dengan kualitas mereka, benarkah mereka mampu menjadi guru sebagai tenaga profesional?
Terkadang manusia melihat suatu jenis pekerjaan berdasarkan prestigenya. Seperti menjadi dokter tentu masyakarat akan lebih menghargainya dibandingkan guru. Selain gaji yang berbeda, proses pembelajaran yang dijalani oleh calon dokter juga berbeda dengan calon guru. Sehingga sudah merupakan hal yang lumrah dimana gaji yang mereka peroleh di masa bekerjanya cukup besar yaitu seimbang dengan biaya yang dikeluarkan selama proses belajar untuk menjadi dokter.
Alangkah bahagianya para guru itu jika mendapatkan reward yang hampir sama dengan dokter. Mereka tidak harus terus mengemban label "pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa" bukan? Sebaiknya institusi penghasil guru perlu mempertimbangkan hal-hal sebagai berikut: 1) Memperbaiki kurikulum perkuliahan dengan menekankan pada kompetensi guru yang berkualitas; 2) Memasukkan program pembekalan lapangan dalam proses belajar-mengajar selama jangka waktu 1 tahun di sekolah-sekolah yang membutuhkan tenaga pengajar sebagai wahana pembentukan tenaga guru yang profesional.
Kemudian dari pemerintah diharapkan dapat melaksanakan program penempatan guru di wilayah-wilayah pelosok Indonesia yang masih banyak mnembutuhkan guru dengan memberikan gaji yang sesuai, oleh karena itu anggaran pendidikan perlu ditingkatkan. Peningkatan anggaran ini tidak hanya untuk mensejahterakan guru sebagai tenaga pengajar, melainkan juga untuk mengembangkan program-program untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan. Semua usaha ini jika dapat dilaksanakan secara sinergis maka sedikit demi sedikit akan meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia yang selama ini masih merupakan suatu impian masyarakat Indonesia pada umumnya.
See also
* Certified teacher
* Paraprofessional educator
* College of Education
* Student teacher
* Teacher's union
* Substitute teacher
1. 'Teacher Salaries from September 2007' TDA (Training and Development Agency)
2. Department of Education & Science - - Education Personnel
3. Training to be a teacher GTC Scotland
4. Teach in Scotland
5. Elementary School Teachers, Except Special Education
6. Middle School Teachers, Except Special and Vocational Education
7. Secondary School Teachers, Except Special and Vocational Education
8. "U.S. Department of Labor: Bureau of Labor Statistics. (July 18, 2007). Teachers—Preschool, Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle, and Secondary: Earnings.". Retrieved on 2007-10-11.
Minggu, 12 Oktober 2008
Menggagas Sekolah Bertaraf International di Kota Banjar
Kita harus berani bermimpi bahwa 8 tahun mendatang Kota Banjar mempunyai Sekolah International yang diakui Dunia
Ditambah dan diedit oleh:
Bpk. Endang J. S.Pd., Bpk. Drs. Ahmad S., Bpk. Drs. Nanang S.
(SMAN 1 Banjar)
Arip Nurahman
(Indonesia University of Education & MIT Open Course Ware USA)
An International school is loosely defined as a school that does not require their students to learn the national or local language of the country the school is located in. These schools cater mainly to students who are not nationals of the host country, such as the children of the staff of international businesses, international organizations, foreign embassies, missions, or missionary programs. Many local students attend these schools to learn the language of the international school and to obtain qualifications for employment or higher education in a foreign country. International schools can be both private, or public.
The first International schools were founded in the latter half of the 19th century in countries such as Japan, Switzerland and Turkey.[citation needed] Early International schools were set up with the help of nations having large interests in the hosting nation. An exception to this rule being Robert College in Istanbul.[citation needed]
International schools typically use curricula based on the school's country of origin. The most common international schools represent Education in the United Kingdom or Education in the United States. Many international schools use curricula specially designed for international school such as the International General Certificate of Secondary Education or the IB Diploma Programme. Like other schools, international schools teach the subjects such as language arts, mathematics, the sciences, humanities, the arts, physical education, information technology, and design technology. More recent developments specifically for primary school include the IBs Primary Years Programme (PYP) and the fast growing International Primary Curriculum (IPC).
Faculties at International Schools are usually from or certified by the standards of their country of origin. However there are many exceptions. The most common exception is when the international school requires a teacher trained specifically for an international syllabus or for teaching a foreign language rare to the international school's country of origin. Hiring is frequently done at large international job fairs where schools can interview and hire several teachers at once.[citation needed]
Visi Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional (SBI), yaitu terwujudnya insan Indonesia cerdas, beriman dan bertakwa terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berakhlak mulia, berjati diri Indonesia, dan kompetitif secara global. Merespon visi tersebut, Indonesia sebagai Negara yang sedang berkembang harus bekerja keras untuk meningkatkan mutu sumber daya manusianya yang masih jauh tertinggal apabila dibandingkan dengan negara lain, khususnya di kawasan Asia.
Upaya yang harus dilakukan dalam rangka memperbaki mutu sumber daya manusia adalah dengan meningkatan mutu pendidikan. Fokus utama yang harus perhatikan dalam peningkatan mutu pendidikan adalah peningkatan institusi sekolah sebagai basis utama pendidikan, baik aspek manajemen, sumber daya manusianya, maupun sarana dan prasarananya. Salah satu program yang dilaksanakan pemerintah agar perubahan dan perkembangan tersebut dapat direspon dengan cepat adalah dengan meningkatkan kualitas/mutu sekolah dengan mengembangkan sekolah bertaraf internasional.
Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional adalah sekolah nasional yang menyiapkan peserta didiknya berdasarkan standar nasional pendidikan (SNP) Indonesia dan tarafnya internasional sehingga lulusannya memiliki kemampuan daya saing internasional. Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional pada hakikatnya mengacu pada Standar Nasional Pendidikan meliputi 8 (delapan) standar, yaitu:
1. Kompetensi lulusan,
2. Isi,
3. Proses,
4. Pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan,
5. Sarana dan prasarana,
6. Pembiayaan,
7. Pengelolaan,
8. Penilaian yang diperkaya, dikembangkan, diperluas, diperdalam melalui adaptasi atau adopsi terhadap standar pendidikan yang dianggap reputasi mutunya diakui secara internasional.
Aspek-aspek yang dikembangkan pada Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional adalah standar kompetensi lulusan standar Internasional, kurikulum standar internasional, PBM standar internasional, SDM standar internasional, fasilitas standar internasional, manajemen standar internasional, pembiayaan standar internasional, penilaian standar internasional.
Standar kompetensi lulusan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional adalah keberhasilan lulusan yang melanjutkan ke sekolah internasional dalam negeri maupun di luar negeri dengan tetap berkepribadian bangsa Indonesia, menguasai dan terampil menggunakan ICT, mampu debat dengan Bahasa Inggris, terdapat juara internasional dalam bidang: olahraga, kesenian, kesehatan, budaya.
Mampu menyelesaikan, tugas–tugas dan mengumpulkan portofolio dengan baik, mampu meyampaikan/mendemonstrasikan tugas-tugas dari guru/sekolah, mampu melaksanakan eksprimen dalam pengembangan pe¬ngetahuan dan keterampilan, mampu menemukan / mem¬buktikan pengalaman bela¬jarnya dengan berbagai karya, mampu menulis dan mengarang dengan bahasa asing atau dengan bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar, memperoleh kejuaraan olimpiade internasional dalam bidang: matematika, fisika, biologi, kimia, stronomi, dan atau lainnya Iditunjukkan dengan sertifikat internasional),
NUAN rata-rata tinggi (> 7,5), memiliki kemampuan penguasaan teknologi dasar, melakukan kerjasama dengan berbagai pihak, baik secara individual, kelompok/kolektif (lokal, nasional, regional, dan global) dengan bukti ada piagam kerjasama atau MoU yang dilakukan oleh lulusan, memiliki dokumen lulusan tentang karya tulis, persuratan, administrasi sekolah, penelitian.
Mampu menguasai bahasa asing dan bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar, memiliki dokumen dan pelaksanaan, pengelolaan kegiatan belajar secara baik (ada perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan, pengkoordinasian, dan evaluasi) dari lulusan, menguasai budaya bangsa lain, memiliki dokumen karya tulis, nilai, dll tentang pemahaman budaya bangsa lain dari lulusan, memiliki pemahaman terhadap kepedulian dengan lingkungan sekitar sekolah, baik lingkungan sosial, fisik maupun budaya, memiliki berbagai karya-karya lain dari lulusan yang bermanfaat bagi dirinya maupun orang lain, bangsa, dan terdapat usaha-usaha dan atau karya yang mencerminkan jiwa kewirausahaan lulusan.
Sekolah Berstandar Internasional akan dicapai melalui sebuah proses peningkatan kualitas sekolah yang berkesinambungan. Salah satu tujuan pokoknya adalah lulusan sekolah yang kompetensinya diakui secara internasional. Proses peningkatan kualitas ini menyangkut semua komponen sekolah yang meliputi kegiatan belajar mengajar.
Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk:
(1) Meningkatkan Mutu Tenaga Kependidikan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional (SBI),
(2) Mengimplementasikan peran LPMP dalam program pengembangan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional (SBI) pada sekolah-sekolah yang ditetapkan sebagai pilot project,
(3) Menyamakan persepsi di antara tenaga kependidikan tentang program pengembangan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional (SBI),
(4) Menyusun rencana dan strategi program pengembangan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional (SBI) berdasarkan kompetensi lulusan,
(5) Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidik Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional (SBI).
Education in developing countries
World map indicating Education Index
(according to 2007/2008 Human Development Report)
In some developing countries, the number and seriousness of the problems faced are naturally greater.[citation needed] People in more remote or agrarian areas are sometimes unaware of the importance of education. However, many countries have an active Ministry of Education, and in many subjects, such as foreign language learning, the degree of education is actually much higher than in industrialized countries; for example, it is not at all uncommon for students in many developing countries to be reasonably fluent in multiple foreign languages, whereas this is much more of a rarity in the supposedly "more educated" countries where much of the population is in fact monolingual.
There is also economic pressure from those parents who prefer their children making money in the short term over any long-term benefits of education.[citation needed] Recent studies on child labor and poverty have suggested that when poor families reach a certain economic threshold where families are able to provide for their basic needs, parents return their children to school.[citation needed] This has been found to be true, once the threshold has been breached, even if the potential economic value of the children's work has increased since their return to school.[citation needed] Teachers are often paid less than other similar professions.[citation needed]
A lack of good universities, and a low acceptance rate for good universities, is evident in countries with a relatively high population density.[citation needed] In some countries, there are uniform, over structured, inflexible centralized programs from a central agency that regulates all aspects of education.
• Due to globalization, increased pressure on students in curricular activities
• Removal of a certain percentage of students for improvisation of academics (usually practised in schools, after 10th grade)
India is now developing technologies that will skip land based phone and internet lines. Instead, India launched EDUSAT, an education satellite that can reach more of the country at a greatly reduced cost. There is also an initiative started by a group out of MIT and supported by several major corporations to develop a $100 laptop. The laptops should be available by late 2006 or 2007. The laptops, sold at cost, will enable developing countries to give their children a digital education, and to close the digital divide across the world.
In Africa, NEPAD has launched an "e-school programme" to provide all 600,000 primary and high schools with computer equipment, learning materials and internet access within 10 years. Private groups, like The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, are working to give more individuals opportunities to receive education in developing countries through such programs as the Perpetual Education Fund. An International Development Agency project called, started with the support of American President Bill Clinton, uses the Internet to allow co-operation by individuals on issues of social development.
Education is becoming increasingly international. Not only are the materials becoming more influenced by the rich international environment, but exchanges among students at all levels are also playing an increasingly important role. In Europe, for example, the Socrates-Erasmus Programme stimulates exchanges across European universities. Also, the Soros Foundation provides many opportunities for students from central Asia and eastern Europe. Some scholars argue that, regardless of whether one system is considered better or worse than another, experiencing a different way of education can often be considered to be the most important, enriching element of an international learning experience.[27]
Kesimpulan dan Penutup
Kita tidak perlu takut untuk bermimpi dan berharap bahwasannya di Kota Banjar suatu hari nanti berdiri tegak sebuah sekolah international yang handal dan diakui dunia karena kualitasnya. permasalahnnya adalah bukan bisa atau tidak bisa tapi mau atau tidak mau dan Kita harus mau.
• Asian International School, Bali
• Bali International School
• Bandung Alliance International School
• Bandung International School
• Bandung Japanese School
• Bandung International School
• Batu Hijau International School,Ampenan
• Bogor Expatriate School
• Gandhi Memorial International School
• Green School, Kul-Kul Campus
• Hillcrest International School
• Manado International School
• Medan International School
• Mountainview International Christian School
• Sekolah Ciputra
• Semarang International School
• Surabaya European School
• Surabaya International School
• Wesley International School, Malang
• Yogyakarta International School
Menanti: Banjar International School, amin.
• ^ educating - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
• ^ UNESCO, Education For All Monitoring Report 2008, Net Enrollment Rate in primary education
• ^ Swassing, R. H., Barbe, W. B., & Milone, M. N. (1979). The Swassing-Barbe Modality Index: Zaner-Bloser Modality Kit. Columbus, OH: Zaner-Bloser.
• ^ Varied Learning Modes
• ^ Barbe, W. B., & Swassing, R. H., with M. N. Milone. (1979). Teaching through modality strengths: Concepts and practices. Columbus, OH: Zaner-Bloser.
Minggu, 21 September 2008
Electronic Learning
Bapak Endang J. S.Pd
(SMAN 1 Banjar)
Arip Nurahman
(Indonesia University of Education)
From: Wikipedia
Electronic learning (or e-Learning or eLearning) is a type of education where the medium of instruction is computer technology. No in-person interaction may take place in some instances. E-learning is used interchangeably in a wide variety of contexts. In companies, it refers to the strategies that use the company network to deliver training courses to employees. In the USA, it is defined as a planned teaching/learning experience that uses a wide spectrum of technologies, mainly Internet or computer-based, to reach learners at a distance. Lately in most Universities, e-learning is used to define a specific mode to attend a course or programmers’ of study where the students rarely, if ever, attend face-to-face for on-campus access to educational facilities, because they study online.
• 1 Market
• 2 Growth of e-learning
• 3 Technology
• 4 Services
• 5 Goals of e-learning
o 5.1 Computer-based learning
o 5.2 Computer-based training
• 6 Pedagogical elements
• 7 Pedagogical approaches or perspectives
• 8 Reusability, standards and learning objects
• 9 Communication technologies used in e-learning
• 10 E-Learning 2.0
• 11 Computer-aided assessment and learning design
• 12 See also
• 13 External links
The worldwide e-learning industry is estimated to be worth over 38 billion euros according to conservative estimates, although in the European Union only about 20% of e-learning products are produced within the common market [1]. Developments in internet and multimedia technologies are the basic enabler of e-learning, with content, technologies and services being identified as the three key sectors of the e-learning industry. [2]
Growth of e-learning
By 2006, nearly 3.5 million students were participating in on-line learning at institutions of higher education in the United States.[3] Many higher education, for-profit institutions, now offer on-line classes. By contrast, only about half of private, non-profit schools offer them. The Sloan report, based on a poll of academic leaders, says that students generally appear to be at least as satisfied with their on-line classes as they are with traditional ones. Private Institutions may become more involved with on-line presentations as the cost of instituting such a system decreases. Properly trained staff must also be hired to work with students on-line. These staff members must be able to not only understand the content area, but also be highly trained in the use of the computer and Internet. Online education is rapidly increasing, and online doctoral programs have even developed at leading research universities.[4]
As early as 1993, Graziadi, W. D. [5] described an online computer-delivered lecture, tutorial and assessment project using electronic Mail, two VAX Notes conferences and Gopher/Lynx [6] together with several software programs that allowed students and instructor to create a Virtual Instructional Classroom Environment in Science (VICES) in Research, Education, Service & Teaching (REST). [4] In 1997 Graziadei, W.D., et al., [7] published an article entitled "Building Asynchronous and Synchronous Teaching-Learning Environments: Exploring a Course/Classroom Management System Solution". [5] They described a process at the State University of New York (SUNY) of evaluating products and developing an overall strategy for technology-based course development and management in teaching-learning. The product(s) had to be easy to use and maintain, portable, replicable, scalable, and immediately affordable, and they had to have a high probability of success with long-term cost-effectiveness. Today many technologies can be, and are, used in e-Learning, from blogs to collaborative software, ePortfolios, and virtual classrooms. Most eLearning situations use combinations of the these techniques.
Along with the terms learning technology, instructional technology, and Educational Technology, the term is generally used to refer to the use of technology in learning in a much broader sense than the computer-based training or Computer Aided Instruction of the 1980s. It is also broader than the terms Online Learning or Online Education which generally refer to purely web-based learning. In cases where mobile technologies are used, the term M-learning has become more common. E-learning, however, also has implications beyond just the technology and refers to the actual learning that takes place using these systems.
E-learning is naturally suited to distance learning and flexible learning, but can also be used in conjunction with face-to-face teaching, in which case the term Blended learning is commonly used. E-Learning pioneer Bernard Luskin argues that the "E" must be understood to have broad meaning if e-Learning is to be effective. Luskin says that the "e" should be interpreted to mean exciting, energetic, enthusiastic, emotional, extended, excellent, and educational in addition to "electronic" that is a traditional national interpretation. This broader interpretation allows for 21st century applications and brings learning and media psychology into the equation.[citation needed]
In higher education especially, the increasing tendency is to create a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) (which is sometimes combined with a Management Information System (MIS) to create a Managed Learning Environment) in which all aspects of a course are handled through a consistent user interface standard throughout the institution. A growing number of physical universities, as well as newer online-only colleges, have begun to offer a select set of academic degree and certificate programs via the Internet at a wide range of levels and in a wide range of disciplines. While some programs require students to attend some campus classes or orientations, many are delivered completely online. In addition, several universities offer online student support services, such as online advising and registration, e-counseling, online textbook purchase, student governments and student newspapers.
e-Learning can also refer to educational web sites such as those offering learning scenarios, worksheets and interactive exercises for children. The term is also used extensively in the business sector where it generally refers to cost-effective online training.
E-learning services have evolved since computers were first used in education. There is a trend to move toward blended learning services, where computer-based activities are integrated with practical or classroom-based situations.
Goals of e-learning
E-Learning lessons are generally designed to guide students through information or to help students perform in specific tasks. Information based e-Learning content communicates information to the student. Examples include content that distributes the history or facts related to a service, company, or product. In information-based content, there is no specific skill to be learned. In performance-based content, the lessons build off of a procedural skill in which the student is expected to increase proficiency.
Computer-based learning
Computer Based Learning, sometimes abbreviated to CBL, refers to the use of computers as a key component of the educational environment. While this can refer to the use of computers in a classroom, the term more broadly refers to a structured environment in which computers are used for teaching purposes. The concept is generally seen as being distinct from the use of computers in ways where learning is at least a peripheral element of the experience (e.g. computer games and web browsing).
Computer-based training
Computer-based training (CBT) services are where a student learns by executing special training programs on a computer relating to their occupation. CBT is especially effective for training people to use computer applications because the CBT program can be integrated with the applications so that students can practice using the application as they learn. Historically, CBTs growth has been hampered by the enormous resources required: human resources to create a CBT program, and hardware resources needed to run it. However, the increase in PC computing power, and especially the growing prevalence of computers equipped with CD-ROMs, is making CBT a more viable option for corporations and individuals alike. Many PC applications now come with some modest form of CBT, often called a tutorial. Web-based training (WBT) is a type of training that is similar to CBT; however, it is delivered over the Internet using a web browser. Web-based training frequently includes interactive methods, such as bulletin boards, chat rooms, instant messaging, videoconferencing, and discussion threads. Web based training is usually a self-paced learning medium though some systems allow for online testing and evaluation at specific times.
Pedagogical elements
Pedagogical elements are an attempt to define structures or units of educational material. For example, this could be a lesson, an assignment, a multiple choice question, a quiz, a discussion group or a case study. These units should be format independent, so although it may be implemented in any of the following methods, pedagogical structures would not include a textbook, a web page, a video conference or an iPod video.
When beginning to create e-Learning content, the pedagogical approaches need to be evaluated. Simple pedagogical approaches make it easy to create content, but lack flexibility, richness and downstream functionality. On the other hand, complex pedagogical approaches can be difficult to set up and slow to develop, though they have the potential to provide more engaging learning experiences for students. Somewhere between these extremes is an ideal pedagogy that allows a particular educator to effectively create educational materials while simultaneously providing the most engaging educational experiences for students.
Pedagogical approaches or perspectives
It is possible to use various pedagogical approaches for eLearning which include:
• instructional design - the traditional pedagogy of instruction which is curriculum focused, and is developed by a centralized educating group or a single teacher.
• social-constructivist - this pedagogy is particularly well afforded by the use of discussion forums, blogs, wiki and on-line collaborative activities. It is a collaborative approach that opens educational content creation to a wider group including the students themselves.
• Laurillard's Conversational Model[8] is also particularly relevant to eLearning, and Gilly Salmon's Five-Stage Model is a pedagogical approach to the use of discussion boards [9].
• Cognitive perspective focuses on the cognitive processes involved in learning as well as how the brain works.[10]
• Emotional perspective focuses on the emotional aspects of learning, like motivation, engagement, fun, etc.[11]
• Behavioural perspective focuses on the skills and behavioural outcomes of the learning process. Role-playing and application to on-the-job settings.[12]
• Contextual perspective focuses on the environmental and social aspects which can stimulate learning. Interaction with other people, collaborative discovery and the importance of peer support as well as pressure.[13]
Reusability, standards and learning objects
Much effort has been put into the technical reuse of electronically-based teaching materials and in particular creating or re-using Learning Objects. These are self contained units that are properly tagged with keywords, or other metadata, and often stored in an XML file format. Creating a course requires putting together a sequence of learning objects. There are both proprietary and open, non-commercial and commercial, peer-reviewed repositories of learning objects such as the Merlot repository.
A common standard format for e-learning content is SCORM whilst other specifications allow for the transporting of "learning objects" (Schools Interoperability Framework) or categorizing meta-data (LOM).
These standards themselves are early in the maturity process with the oldest being 8 years old. They are also relatively vertical specific: SIF is primarily pK-12, LOM is primarily Corp, Military and Higher Ed, and SCORM is primarily Military and Corp with some Higher Ed. PESC- the Post-Secondary Education Standards Council- is also making headway in developing standards and learning objects for the Higher Ed space, while SIF is beginning to seriously turn towards Instructional and Curriculum learning objects.
In the US pK12 space there are a host of content standards that are critical as well- the NCES data standards are a prime example. Each state government's content standards and achievement benchmarks are critical metadata for linking e-learning objects in that space.
Communication technologies used in e-learning
Communication technologies are generally categorized as asynchronous or synchronous. Asynchronous activities use technologies such as blogs, wikis, and discussion boards. The idea here is that participants may engage in the exchange of ideas or information without the dependency of other participants involvement at the same time. Electronic mail (Email) is also asynchronous in that mail can be sent or received without having both the participants’ involvement at the same time.
Synchronous activities involve the exchange of ideas and information with one or more participants during the same period of time. A face to face discussion is an example of synchronous communications. Synchronous activities occur with all participants joining in at once, as with an online chat session or a virtual classroom or meeting.
Virtual classrooms and meetings can often use a mix of communication technologies.
In many models, the writing community and the communication channels relate with the E-learning and the M-learning communities. Both the communities provide a general overview of the basic learning models and the activities required for the participants to join the learning sessions across the virtual classroom or even across standard classrooms enabled by technology. Many activities, essential for the learners in these environments, require frequent chat sessions in the form of virtual classrooms and/or blog meetings.
E-Learning 2.0
The term e-Learning 2.0[14][15] is used to refer to new ways of thinking about e-learning inspired by the emergence of Web 2.0[16]. From an e-Learning 2.0 perspective, conventional e-learning systems were based on instructional packets that were delivered to students using Internet technologies. The role of the student consisted in learning from the readings and preparing assignments. Assignments were evaluated by the teacher. In contrast, the new e-learning places increased emphasis on social learning and use of social software such as blogs, wikis, podcasts and virtual worlds such as Second Life. This phenomenon has also been referred to as Long Tail Learning[17]
The first 10 years of e-learning (e-learning 1.0) was focused on using the internet to replicate the instructor-led experience. Content was designed to lead a learner through the content, providing a wide and ever-increasing set of interactions, experiences, assessments, and simulations. E-learning 2.0, by contrast (patterned after Web 2.0) is built around collaboration. e-learning 2.0 assumes that knowledge (as meaning and understanding) is socially constructed. Learning takes place through conversations about content and grounded interaction about problems and actions. Advocates of social learning claim that one of the best ways to learn something is to teach it to others.[18]
As one example, Second Life has recently become one of the virtual classroom environments used in colleges and universities, including University of Edinburgh (UK) Princeton University (USA), Rice University (USA), University of Derby (UK), Vassar College (USA), the University of Plymouth (UK) and the Open University (UK),[19]. In 2007 Second Life started to be used for foreign language tuition [20]. Both Second Life and real life language educators have begun to use the virtual world for language tuition. English (as a foreign language) has gained a presence through several schools, including British Council projects which have focused on the Teen Grid. Spain’s language and cultural institute “Instituto Cervantes” has an island on Second Life. A list of educational projects (including some language schools) in Second Life can be found on the SimTeach site. SLanguages 2008 was the 2nd annual conference of language education using virtual worlds such as Second Life. The event took place in Second Life at the EduNation islands.
There is also an increased use of virtual classrooms (online presentations delivered live) as an online learning platform and classroom for a diverse set of education providers such as Fox School of Business for Templer University, Grades Grow, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, and Sachem[21][22][23][24]. Webex is a Cisco Web Meetings and Collaboration Solution. The platform has worked for educational institutions because of real time collaboration using an interactive whiteboard, chat, and VOIP technology that allows audio and video sharing. In distance learning situations, while replacing the classroom with features, institutions have also looked for security features which are inherently strong in a Cisco powered collaboration environment. The downside is that Webex is not a free platform like WiZiQ, Moodle or Lectureshare, and fees are paid per 'host' of a classroom or a meeting.
Another real time collaboration provider making headway is WebTrain. The Technology in Business Schools Roundtable, a group representing over 70 Canadian and US business schools[25], announced a program for their AACSB accredited members and affiliated colleges and universites to use WebTrain for faculty meetings, student association meetings, virtual live classes, homework assistance, tutoring, teacher aid assistance, student technical support and remote control, lecture broadcasting, board meetings, virtual labs and anonymous drug, rape and depression counseling.[26] The announcement stated TBS will assist member business schools and their associated colleges and universities with implementation planning and rollout assistance to help increase the success of e-learning initiatives. The announcement also stated WebTrain will provide their hosted services free to the business school and their associated college or university for a fiscal school year to reduce financial risk related to using an enterprise class hosted service.[citation needed]
Computer-aided assessment and learning design
Computer-aided Assessment (also but less commonly referred to as E-assessment), ranging from automated multiple-choice tests to more sophisticated systems is becoming increasingly common. With some systems, feedback can be geared towards a student's specific mistakes or the computer can navigate the student through a series of questions adapting to what the student appears to have learned or not learned.
The best examples follow a Formative Assessment structure and are called "Online Formative Assessment". This involves making an initial formative assessment by sifting out the incorrect answers. The author/teacher will then explain what the pupil should have done with each question. It will then give the pupil at least one practice at each slight variation of sifted out questions. This is the formative learning stage. The next stage is to make a Summative Assessment by a new set of questions only covering the topics previously taught. Some will take this even further and repeat the cycle such as BOFA [6]which is aimed at the Eleven plus exam set in the UK.
The term learning design has sometimes come to refer to the type of activity enabled by software such as the open-source system LAMS [7] which supports sequences of activities that can be both adaptive and collaborative. The IMS Learning Design specification is intended as a standard format for learning designs, and IMS LD Level A is supported in LAMS V2.
See also
ICT in Education
Blended Learning
• Blended learning
• Computer-based testing
• Distance education
• Flexible Learning
• Microlearning
• Online learning community
• Virtual education
• Online music education
Kamis, 04 September 2008
Everything About International Education
Add & Edited by:
Arip Nurahman
(Founder Banjar Cyber School)
Visit us @
Indonesia University of Education
Education gives to Man nothing which he might not educe out of himself;
it gives him that which he might educe out himself, only quicker and more
easily. In the same way too, Revelation gives nothing to the human species,
which the human reason left to itself might not attain; only it has given, and
still gives to it, the most important of these things earlier.
Education encompasses both the teaching and learning of knowledge, proper conduct, and technical competency. It thus focuses on the cultivation of skills, trades or professions, as well as mental, moral & aesthetic development.[1]
Formal education consists of systematic instruction, teaching and training by professional teachers. This consists of the application of pedagogy and the development of curricula. In a liberal education tradition, teachers draw on many different disciplines for their lessons, including psychology, philosophy, information technology, linguistics, biology, and sociology. Teachers in specialized professions such as astrophysics, law, or zoology may teach only in a narrow area, usually as professors at institutions of higher learning. There is much specialist instruction in fields of trade for those who want specific skills, such as required to be a pilot, for example. Finally, there is an array of educational opportunity in the informal sphere- for this reason, society subsidizes institutions such as museums and libraries. Informal education also includes knowledge and skills learned and refined during the course of life, including education that comes from experience in practicing a profession.
The right to education is a fundamental human right. Since 1952, Article 2 of the first Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights obliges all signatory parties to guarantee the right to education. At world level, the United Nations' International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of 1966 guarantees this right under its Article 13.
• 1 Systems of formal education
o 1.1 Primary education
o 1.2 Secondary education
o 1.3 Higher education
o 1.4 Adult education
o 1.5 Alternative education
o 1.6 Emotional/Human education
• 2 Process
o 2.1 Curriculum
o 2.2 Learning modalities
o 2.3 Teaching
o 2.4 Technology
• 3 History
• 4 Philosophy
• 5 Psychology
• 6 Economic implications of Education
• 7 Sociology of education
o 7.1 Education in developing countries
o 7.2 Internationalisation
• 8 See also
• 9 References
• 10 External links
The term international education can mean many different things and its definition is debated. Some have defined two general meanings to the concept of international education in regard to students. The first refers to education that transcends national borders through the exchange of people, as in study abroad. The second, explored in depth here, is a comprehensive approach to education that intentionally prepares students to be active and engaged participants in an interconnected world.
Understanding of a broad array of phenomena is enhanced and deepened through examination of the cultures, languages, environmental situations, governments, political relations, religions, geography, and history of the world. While definitions vary in the precise language used, international education is generally taken to include:
1. Knowledge of other world regions & cultures;
2. Familiarity with international and global issues;
3. Skills in working effectively in global or cross-cultural environments, and using information from different sources around the world;
4. Ability to communicate in multiple languages; and
5. Dispositions towards respect and concern for other cultures and peoples.
International Education is also a major part of international development. Professionals and students wishing to be a part of international education development are able to learn through organizations and university and college programs. Organizations around the world use education as a means to development. The United Nations Millennium Development Goals include to education specific goals:
Millennium Development Goals
Achieve universal primary education in all countries by 2015 and eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education by 2005
Other mention of education in regard to international development:
Education For All (EFA): An international strategy to operazionalize the Dakar Framework for Action; The World Education Forum (Dakar 2000) agreed to reach 6 goals by 2015: o expand early childhood care and education o improve access to complete, free schooling of good quality for all primary school-age children o greatly increase learning opportunities for youth and adults o improve adult literacy rates by 50% o eliminate gender disparities in schooling o improve all aspects of education quality.
Dakar Framework for Action
UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005–2014) -highlight the central role of education in the pursuit of sustainable development.
See also comparative education; and Liberalism, Realism, Power Transition Theory,International Development, as focus areas that provide insight into international phenomena relevant to "International Education."
International Education both as a field of study focusing on study abroad and preparing students for international occupations as well as as an active part of international development is taught in many colleges and universities around the world.
• 1 List of Colleges and Universities offering courses specifically in International Education
• 2 List of Organizations involved in International Educational Development
• 3 List of the Academic Journals
• 4 Sources
• 5 Further reading
• 6 External links
List of Colleges and Universities offering courses specifically in International Education
Harvard Graduate School of Education International Education Policy program
The George Washington University Graduate School of Education and Human Development Program: International Education
American University School of Education, Teaching, and Health Program: International Training and Education
NYU Steinhardt Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development Program: International Education
Penn State College of Education Program: Comparative and International Education
University of Massachusetts Graduate School of Education Program: International Education Center for International Education (CIE)
University of California, Irvine
List of Organizations involved in International Educational Development
UNESCO UNESCO is a specialized agency of the United Nations established in 1945. Its stated purpose is to contribute to peace and security by promoting international collaboration through education, science, and culture in order to further universal respect for justice, the rule of law, and the human rights and fundamental freedoms proclaimed in the UN Charter.
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) UNICEF is currently focused on 5 primary priorities: Child Survival and Development, Basic Education and Gender Equality (including girls' education), Child protection from violence, exploitation and abuse, HIV/AIDS and children, and Policy advocacy and partnerships for children’s rights.
United National High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is mandated to lead and co-ordinate international action to protect refugees and resolve refugee problems worldwide. Its primary purpose is to safeguard the rights and well-being of refugees. It strives to ensure that everyone can exercise the right to seek asylum and find safe refuge in another State, with the option to return home voluntarily, integrate locally or to resettle in a third country.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) UNDP is the UN's global development network, an organization advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. It is on the ground in 166 countries, working with them on their own solutions to global and national development challenges. As they develop local capacity, they draw on the people of UNDP and our wide range of partners.
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) USAID is an independent agency that provides economic, development and humanitarian assistance around the world in support of the foreign policy goals of the United States. USAID is the principal U.S. agency to extend assistance to countries recovering from disaster, trying to escape poverty, and engaging in democratic reforms.
World Bank International Development Program (IDP) The International Development Association (IDA) is the part of the World Bank that helps the world’s poorest countries. Established in 1960, IDA aims to reduce poverty by providing interest-free credits and grants for programs that boost economic growth, reduce inequalities and improve people’s living conditions.
The Carnegie Corporation- International Development Program (IDP) The International Development Program (IDP) was established in 1999 for the express purpose of carrying out Carnegie Corporation activities in sub-Saharan Africa. IDP “attempt[s] to strengthen a limited number of Commonwealth African universities to serve as models of successful transformation, assist the cause of women’s higher education there, and position selected African public libraries for the information age.”
The International Economic Development Council, IEDC,[1]based in Washington, DC provides the leading source of education for economic developers at all levels. Courses are offered throughout the year in different geographical locations, ranging from basic economic development courses to Certified Economic Development programs.
International Development Exchange IDEX is a non-profit organization that partners with grassroots groups in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, while actively engaging and educating North Americans in the challenges facing communities in these regions.
Academy for Educational Development AED is a bridge, a link between the problem and the solution, the need and the resource, people and their potential. It is an independent, nonprofit organization committed to solving critical social problems and building the capacity of individuals, communities, and institutions to become more self-sufficient. AED works in all the major areas of human development, with a focus on improving education, health, and economic opportunities for the least advantaged in the United States and developing countries throughout the world.
National Association of Development Organizations The National Association of Development Organizations provides advocacy, education, research and training for the nation's regional development organizations. Building on nearly four decades of experience, the association offers its members exclusive access to a variety of services and benefits -- all of which are designed to enhance the ability of regional development organizations to foster "regional solutions" to local government, business and community needs.
Society for International Development Society for International Development is a global network of individuals and institutions concerned with development. In its pursuit for social justice and institutional change, SID plays an important mediating and facilitating role among progressive civil society groups, connecting activists, intellectuals, academics and policy-makers working at community, national and international level.
Institute of International Education (IIE) Information about IIE international training programs, research on international education issues, and IEE services for students, advisers, or human resources professionals.
United Nations The purposes of the United Nations, as set forth in the Charter, are to maintain international peace and security; to develop friendly relations among nations; to cooperate in solving international economic, social, cultural and humanitarian problems and in promoting respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms; and to be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in attaining these ends.
NAFSA: Association of International Educators [2]: supports those engaged in international education and exchange and global workforce development programs with educational programs, conferences, and publications. NAFSA publishes the journal International Educator to encourage dialogue about the importance of international education and the current challenges faced by those supporting it.
International Education Collaborative The International Education Collaborative (IEC) exists to provide advocacy for and facilitate collaboration among institutions of higher learning concerned with international education issues, most particularly international student recruitment. The International Education Collabortive seeks to develop and share best practices, tools, and technology to empower each geographic region/state to achieve maximum impact in worldwide marketing and student recruiting efforts.
List of the Academic Journals
• Analytical Reports in International Education
• Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education
1. American Educational Research Journal
2. Chinese Education and Society - Focus on educational development and the confluence between NGO’s with the development of China’s education.
3. Chronicle of Higher Education
4. Comparative Education
5. Contemporary Politics
6. Educational Review
7. Environmental Education Research - Focus on sustainable development, educational development and environmental education.
8. Higher Education
9. Higher Education in Europe
10. Higher Education: The International Journal of Higher Education and Educational Planning - Focus on sustainable development, profession education, curriculum development and environmental education.
11. Intercultural Education
12. International Journal of Educational Development
13. International Review of Education
14. Journal of Developing Studies
15. Journal of Education for International Development
16. Journal of Education Policy
17. Journal of Geography in Higher Education -Focus on professional development, sustainable development, curriculum development, and higher education.
18. Journal of Humanistic Counseling, and Educational Development
19. Journal of Studies In International Education.
20. Studies in Higher Education - Focus on education development, faculty development and professional development.
21. Teaching in Higher Education - Focus on intellectual development.
22. The Development Education Journal
23. National Center for Education Statistics - Focus on faculty development, program development and public schools.
TIPS & TRIKS Sekolah di Overseas (Luar Negeri)
1. Mimpi, Harapan, Cita-cita atau dalam Islam kita Sebut Niat yang Kuat
-"If You Can Dream It You Can Do It"-
Bisikanlah dalam hati kita yang paling dalam, bahkan palung qulbo yang tiada pernah seseorang pun masuk kedalamnya. Kita ingin jadi apa? Berbuat apa? Mengabdi pada siapa?
lalu yakinlah bahwa Sang Pengatur Jagat Raya akan mendengarnya, menuntunmu pada apa yang kita harapkan.
Bukankah Jikalau "DIA yang ESA" bilamana berkenan dan berkehendak cukup BagiNya berkata "Jadilah, maka Jadilah ia". Yasin: 82
Tulislah apa yang kita harapkan dan Impikan dalam kertas yang kita sayangi. buatlah peta konsepnya. Kapan terlaksana? Bagaimana? Dengan Cara Seperti Apa? Jagalah kertas atau tulisan itu baik-baik.
2. Pilih dimana kita ingin melanjutkan studi . -"Karena Setiap pilihan mempunyai kosekuensinya masing-masing, sebanding dengan apa yang kita pilih"-
a. Negara Mana Tujuan Kita?
b. Universitas atau Sekolah mana?
c. Pilih Jurusan dari Universitas atau College yang kita pilih!
3. Persiapan
Dalam kesempatan ini kita bahas dan adakan tutorial berbagai bahasa yang banyak digunakan di dunia
Untuk berlatih bahasa asing silahkan penunjung yang berbahagia dan menginkan sebuah perubahan
kunjungi alamat ini
Jamison, Kevin (2004) . "Case for the Internationalization of Virginia High School Curricula", with commentary by Ambassador James Creagan, Christine Drake Phd, Senator Richard Lugar, and various other International Education experts.
Kagan, Sharon, and Vivien Stewart. "Introduction to International Education", originally published in Phi Delta Kappan, November 2004.
Abdi, Ali A. and Ailie Cleghorn, (Eds.). (2005). Issues in African Education: Sociological Perspectives. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Carter, Carolyn S. (1999). Education and Development in Poor Rural Communities: an Interdisciplinary Research Agenda. Charleston, WV: Clearinghouse on Rural Education and Small Schools, Appalachia Educational Laboratory.
Caillods, Francoise, Gabriele Gottelmann-Duret, Keith Lewin. (Eds.). (1997). Science Education and Development: Planning and Policy Issues at the Secondary Level. Paris: Unesco, International Institute for Educational Planning; Oxford, U.K.: Pergamon.
Cummings,William K. and Noel F. McGinn (Eds.). (1997). International Handbook of Education and Development : Preparing Schools, Students, and Nations for the Twenty-first Century. Kidlington, Oxford, UK; New York: Elsevier Science.
Garrett, Roger M. (Ed.). (1984). Education and Development. London: Croom Helm; New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Haddad, Wadi D. et al. (1990). Education and Development: Evidence for New Priorities. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
Heward, Christine and Sheila Bunwaree. (Eds.). (1999). Gender, Education, and Development: Beyond Access to Empowerment. London; New York: Zed Books; New York: Distributed in USA exclusively by St. Martin’s Press.
Lynch, James. (1997). A Human Rights Analysis. Education and Development. London; Herndon, VA: Cassell.
Lynch, James, Celia Modgil and Sohan Modgil. (Eds.). (1997). Education and Development: Tradition and Innovation. London: Cassell, 1997.
Mak, Grace C. L. (Ed.), (1996). Women, Education, and Development in Asia : Cross-National Perspectives. New York: Garland Pub.
McMahon, Walter W. (1999). Education and Development: Measuring the Social Benefits. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press.
Morris, Paul and Anthony Sweeting, (Eds.). (1995). Education and Development in East Asia. New York: Garland Pub. 1995.
Nwomonoh, Jonathan. (1998). Education and Development in Africa : a Contemporary Survey. San Francisco: International Scholars Publications.
Peters, Michael A. and A.C. Besley. (2006). Building Knowledge Cultures: Education and Development in the Age of Knowledge Capitalism. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Rojewski, Jay W. (Ed.). (2004). International Perspectives on Workforce Education and Development. Greenwich, Conn.: Information Age Pub.
Talati, Jamsheer J. et al. (1998). Higher Education: a Pathway to Development. Karachi: The Aga Khan University: Oxford University Press.
Youngman, Frank. (2000). The Political Economy of Adult Education and Development. Leicester, UK: NIACE; London; New York : Zed Books ; New York : Distributed in the USA exclusively by St. Martin’s Press.
World Population Monitoring, 2003: Population, Education and Development. (2005). Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. New York: United Nations.
Arnove, Robert F., Stephen Franz and Kimberly Morse Cordova. (2001). Education and Development. In Hillman, Richard S. (Ed.), Understanding Contemporary Latin America. Boulder, Co.: L. Rienner.
Szirmai, Adam. (2005). Education and Development. In Dynamics of Socio-economic Development : An Introduction. Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press. Walters, Shirley. (2000). Globalization, Adult Education, and Development. In Stromquist, Nelly P. and Karen Monkman (Eds.), Globalization and Education: Integration and Contestation Across Cultures. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield.
Brock, Colin; Cammish, Nadine; Aedo-Richmond, Ruth; Narayanan, Aparna; Njoroge, Rose (1997). Gender, Education and Development: A Partially Annotated and Selective Bibliography. Education Research Paper. London (England): Department for International Development.
(1996). Developing Areas Studies: A Guide to Reference Sources. Montreal (Quebec): McGill Univ., McLennan Library.
Heeg, Michael, Ed.; Boston, Carol, Ed (1996). Directory of Education-Related Information Centers. Rockville, MD. Washington, DC: ACCESS ERIC, Educational Resources Information Center (ED).
Further reading
• Scanlon, D. G. (ed.). (1960). International Education: A Documentary History. New York: Bureau of Publications: Teachers College, Columbia University.
• Vestal, T.M. (1994). International Education: Its History and Promise for Today. London: Praeger.
• Valeau, E.J., Raby, R.L, (eds.), et. al. (2007). International Reform Efforts and Challenges in Community Colleges. New Direction for Community Colleges, No. 138. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
External links
• NAFSA: Association of International Educators: NAFSA serves its members, their institutions and organizations, and others engaged in international education and exchange and global workforce development.
• Asia Society International Education
• [3] International Schools Services
• [ Testimony on International Education before the
Subcommittee on Select Education, House Committee on Education and the Workforce ]
• National Geographic EdNet
• Oxfam Education
• Education for Global Leadership: The Importance of International Studies and Foreign Language Education for U.S. Economic and National Security - U.S. Committee for Economic Development
• Global Rhode Island
• International Education Week (IEW), a joint initiative of the U.S. Dept. of State and the U.S. Dept. of Education
• Current Challenges of International Education = From the Education Resources Information Center Clearinghouse on Higher Education Washington, DC.
2008 September 4 18:03

Rabu, 03 September 2008
Jadilah Seperti Air

Jadilah seperti air. Air nampak lembut, namun memiliki potensi luar biasa. Mengalir seperti tak punya tujuan, mencari tempat-tempat rendah, mengaliri lembah-lembah. Meresap kedalam pori-pori tanah. Bahkan mengalir pasti di dalam tanah. Seperti tak punya tujuan , tapi itulah sejatinya potensi sekaligus tugas air.
Air itu tidak pernah menyerah jika menghadapi penghalang. Air akan berkumpul sampai memiliki kemampuan untuk menghancurkan penghalang itu. Atau ia akan terus berkumpul sampai sebagian dari air tersebut dapat melalui penghalang itu. Lihatlah air bendungan! Air itu mahluk "penyabar", air itu" tekun" dan "konsisten". Air yang lembut, mengalir meliuk-liuk mengikuti alur yang ada bisa menjadi dahsyat dan ganas, menghancurkan dan bahkan menebar maut, jika seluruh potensinya telah dikerahkan. Air itu mahluk "pemberani !"
Jadilah seperti air jika SMAN 1 Banjar mau tampil lebih berjaya. Jayalah SMAN 1 Banjar dengan falsafah air!
Lirik Oleh :
1. Ishak Vidia Kelana, BA (Almarhum)
2. Muharam Ardan, Drs
3. Aceng, Drs
Arrancemen Oleh :
1. Tatang Sutardi B. BA (Almarhum)
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