Senin, 27 Oktober 2008

E-Learning Kota Banjar

Bagaimana Menjadi Siswa Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional
(An Experiences/ Sebuah Pengalaman)

Diedit dan ditambah
Bapak Endang J. S.Pd., Bapak Drs. Ahmad S. dan Bapak Nanang S.

SMAN 1 Banjar, Jawa Barat

Arip Nurahman

(Indonesia University of Education, Bandung Indonesia & Open Course Ware at The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States.)


The word student is etymologically derived through Middle English from the Latin second-type conjugation verb "studēre", meaning "to direct one's zeal at"; hence a student could be described as 'one who directs zeal at a subject'. In its widest use, "student" is used for anyone who is learning

United Kingdom and Ireland

The term student is usually reserved for people studying at University level in the UK. Children studying at school are called pupils.

Students In England and Ireland

In England and Wales, teenagers in the last two years of school are called "sixth formers". If pupils follow the average pattern of school attendance, pupils will be in the "lower sixth" between the ages of 16 and 17, and the "upper sixth" between 17 and 18. They "go up" to University after the upper sixth.

In Scotland pupils sit Highers at the end of fifth year (when aged 16-17) after which it is possible for them to gain entry to university. However, many do not achieve the required grades and remain at school for sixth year. Even among those that do achieve the necessary grades it is common to remain at school and undertake further study (i.e. other subjects or Advanced Highers) and then start university at the same time as their friends and peers.

Students in United States

Before first year

Some schools use the term "prefrosh" or "pre-frosh" to describe their newly admitted students. Schools often offer a campus preview weekend for prefroshes to know the schools better. A student is considered a prefrosh until he or she registers for the first class.

First year

A freshman (slang alternatives that are usually derogatory in nature include "fish", "fresher", "frosh", "newbie", "freshie", "snotter", "fresh-meat", etc.) is a first-year student in college, university or high school. The less-common[citation needed] gender-neutral synonym "first-year student" exists; the variation "freshperson" is rare.[citation needed]

In many traditions there is a remainder of the ancient (boarding, pre-commuting) tradition of fagging. He may also be subjected to a period of hazing or ragging as a pledge(r) or rookie, especially if joining a fraternity/sorority or certain other clubs, mainly athletic teams. For example, many high schools have initiation methods for freshmen, including, but not limited to, Freshman Duct-taped Throw, Freshman races, Freshman Orientation, Freshman Freshening (referring to poor hygiene among freshmen), and the Freshman Spread.

Even after that, specific rules may apply depending on the school's traditions (e.g., wearing a distinctive beanie), non-observance of which may result in punishment in which the paddle may come into play.

Second year

In the U.S., a sophomore is a second-year student. Folk etymology has it that the word means "wise fool"; consequently "sophomoric" means "pretentious, bombastic, inflated in style or manner; immature, crude, superficial" (according to the Oxford English Dictionary). It appears to be most likely formed from Greek "sophos", meaning "wise", and "moros" meaning "foolish", although it may also have separately originated from the word "sophumer", an obsolete variant of "sophism"[1]. Outside of the U.S. the term "sophomore" is rarely used, with second-year students simply called "second years".

Post-second year

In the U.S. a "junior" is a student in the penultimate (usually third) year and a "senior" a student in the last (usually fourth) year of college, university, or high school. A college student who takes more than the normal number of years to graduate is sometimes referred to as a "super senior".[2] The term "underclassman" is used to refer collectively to freshmen and sophomores, and "upperclassman" to refer collectively to juniors and seniors, sometimes even sophomores. The term "middler" is used to describe a third-year student of a school (generally college) which offers five years of study. In this situation, the fourth and fifth years would be referred to as "junior" and "senior" years, respectively.


International students are students, usually in early adulthood, who study in foreign educational institutions. While most universities have official student exchange programs, some well-funded high schools have them, too. Although some students travel abroad mainly to improve their language skills, others travel to advance their specialized studies. Still others study abroad because suitable tertiary education is either in short supply or unavailable altogether in their home countries. In addition, in many parts of the world, a foreign degree, especially if earned from certain countries, is honored more than a local one.


Aspek-aspek yang dikembangkan pada Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional adalah standar kompetensi

lulusan standar Internasional,
kurikulum standar internasional,
PBM standar internasional,
SDM standar internasional,
fasilitas standar internasional,
manajemen standar internasional,
pembiayaan standar internasional,
penilaian standar internasional.

Standar kompetensi lulusan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional adalah keberhasilan lulusan yang melanjutkan ke sekolah internasional dalam negeri maupun di luar negeri dengan tetap berkepribadian bangsa Indonesia,

menguasai dan terampil menggunakan ICT,
mampu debat dengan Bahasa Inggris,

terdapat juara internasional dalam bidang:
budaya, dll,

mampu menyelesaikan, tugas–tugas dan mengumpulkan portofolio dengan baik,

mampu meyampaikan/mendemonstrasikan tugas-tugas dari guru/sekolah,

mampu melaksanakan eksprimen dalam pengembangan pe­ngetahuan dan keterampilan,

mampu menemukan / mem­buktikan pengalaman bela­jarnya dengan berbagai karya,

mampu menulis dan mengarang dengan bahasa asing atau dengan bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar,

memperoleh kejuaraan olimpiade internasional dalam bidang:
stronomi, dan atau lainnya
Iditunjukkan dengan sertifikat internasional),

NUAN rata-rata tinggi (> 7,5),

memiliki kemampuan penguasaan teknologi dasar,

melakukan kerjasama dengan berbagai pihak, baik secara individual, kelompok/kolektif (lokal, nasional, regional, dan global) dengan bukti ada piagam kerjasama atau MoU yang dilakukan oleh lulusan,

memiliki dokumen lulusan tentang karya tulis, persuratan, administrasi sekolah, penelitian, dll dalam bahasa asing atau dengan bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar,

memiliki dokumen dan pelaksanaan, pengelolaan kegiatan belajar secara baik (ada perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan, pengkoordinasian, dan evaluasi) dari lulusan, menguasai budaya bangsa lain, memiliki dokumen karya tulis, nilai, dll tentang pemahaman budaya bangsa lain dari lulusan,

memiliki pemahaman terhadap kepedulian dengan lingkungan sekitar sekolah, baik lingkungan sosial, fisik maupun budaya,

memiliki berbagai karya-karya lain dari lulusan yang bermanfaat bagi dirinya maupun orang lain, bangsa, dll, dan terdapat usaha-usaha dan atau karya yang mencerminkan jiwa kewirausahaan lulusan.

Begitu banyak kriteria yang harus dimiliki oleh SISWA SEKOLAH BERTARAF INTERNATIONAL, menurut pengalaman penulis kriteria ini memang sangat sulit sekali diraih oleh tiap individu pada diri siswa. Namun tidak ada yang tidak mungkin bila kita terus berusaha dengan tekun dan optimal serta sistematis.

Pengalaman Penulis ketika berusaha bagaimana untuk menjadi seorang SISWA SEKOLAH BERTARAF INTERNATIONAL? adalah tidak serumit dan sekomplikasi seperti yang disebutkan dalam kriteria tadi.


Cukuplah 4 keterampilan awal ini yang harus dikembangkan dalam diri SISWA, dengan KEJUJURAN maka potensi sisiwa yang sesungguhnya akan muncul. Mengusai Bahasa Inggris adalah awal atau kunci pembuka ilmu-ilmu pengetahuan pendukung lainnya.
Mampu memanfaatkan ICT maka SISWA mampu menjalin relasi dengan berbagai orang dari belahan dunia manapun.
Terampil menulis dan mempublikasikan Karya-karya Ilmiah, siswa akan mendapat kepercayaan luas dari masyarakat Luas, terutama oleh masyarakat AKADEMIS.
Dengan niat yang sungguh-sungguh dan keyakinan semoga setiap jiwa-jiwa yang ingin menggapai tujuan akan dibimbing oleh DIA YANG MAHA DI ATAS SEGALANYA.

Prospective international students are usually required to sit for language tests, such as IELTS[1] & TOEFL[2](English speaking education), DELF[3] (French speaking education) or DELE[4] (Spanish speaking education), before they are admitted. Tests notwithstanding, while some international students already possess an excellent command of the local language upon arrival, some find their language ability, considered excellent domestically, inadequate for the purpose of understanding lectures, and/or of conveying oneself fluently in rapid conversations.

Many countries force international students to pay higher tuition than citizens of the country. This discrimination is usually justified by the argument that the students' parents do not pay taxes in the country. The fact that a large number of international students decide to settle in the country where they are studying and become productive citizens is, however, ignored in such cases.


International student programs have over the years encountered a number of criticisms, both from the host countries and from the international students themselves. While some of the criticisms are well-founded, others are based on misperceptions or even racism.

International student programs can be a politically sensitive issue in the host countries. Opponents of the programs fear that international students would take the limited university placements away from local students. Proponents of the programs counter this belief by arguing that the high fees paid by international students enable universities to maintain, or even increase, placements for local students.

It is not unusual for international students to encounter language problems in the host countries. Despite the pre-admission language tests — which might give the students a false sense of mastery over a foreign language — students often find it difficult to understand the coursework, and some might feel that their lecturers are unhelpful in explaining the coursework to them. Academics, under pressure from cash-strapped university authorities to retain international students, sometimes make the courses easier, to the resentment of many local students. It has been speculated that language difficulties may contribute to the problem of plagiarism, particularly in the form of using essay mills.[5]

Finally, many would-be employers, especially those within the host countries, find some former international students have unsatisfactory language abilities, despite having earned university degrees.

A major drawback of International Students Programs is the reluctance of universities, in the host country, to face immigration limitations and expose them clearly to their incoming foreign students.

* They may have difficulties in obtaining a long term work visa.
* They may face as a consequence large salary gaps in comparison to their fellow nationals.
* The tuition fees may be too high with respect to their work prospects.
* They may be barred from high profile jobs where citizenship is a prerequisite.


* 1. IELTS
* 2. TOEFL
* 3. DELF
* 4. DELE
* 5. Plagiarism rises amid funding cuts

2008 Oktober 24 06:31

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E-Learning Kota Banjar mengatakan...

Components of Most International Schools

(Hardware in International School)

Di Susun dan Di Edit oleh:


Bpk. Endang J*. S.Pd., Drs. Ahmad S*., Drs. Nanang S.*

SMAN 1 Kota Banjar


Arif Nurahman and Ade Akhyar N.

Department of Physics Education Indonesia University of Education, Bandung Indonesia and

Follower Open Course Ware at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge M.A., USA.

Department of Geology Engineering UNSOED University, Purwokerto M.J. Indonesia

(Corrector in Language)

Yusuf Kurniawan S.Pd., Taryono S.Pd. & Arif Nurhasan S.T.


A school (from Greek σχολή (scholē), originally meaning "leisure", and also "that in which leisure is employed", "school"),[1] is an institution designed to allow and encourage students (or "pupils") to learn, under the supervision of teachers. Most countries have systems of formal education, which is commonly compulsory. In these systems, students progress through a series of schools. The names for these schools vary by country (discussed in the Regional section below), but generally include primary school for young children and secondary school for teenagers who have completed primary education.

In addition to these core schools, students in a given country may also have access to and attend schools both before and after primary and secondary education. Kindergarten or pre-school provide some schooling to very young children (typically ages 3-5). University, vocational school, college or seminary may be available after (or in lieu of) secondary school. A school may also be dedicated to one particular field, such as a school of economics or a school of dance. Alternative schools may provide nontraditional curriculum and methods.

There are also non-government schools, called private schools. Private schools may be for children with special needs when the government does not supply for them; religious, such as Islamic School,

Christian Schools, Khalsa Schools, Torah Schools and others; or schools that have a higher standard of education or seek to foster other personal achievements.

In homeschooling and online schools, teaching and learning take place outside of a traditional school building.


History of Education

In its widest sense, the history of education is the history of teaching and of learning, and the history of what might be described as the curricula: what it is that is taught or learned.

Education has taken place in most communities since earliest times. Each generation has sought to pass on cultural and social values, traditions, morality, religion, knowledge and skills to the next generation. The history of the curricula of such informal education reflects human history itself, the history of knowledge, beliefs, skills and cultures of humanity.

In pre-literate societies, education was achieved orally and through imitation. Later, with the development of writing, it became possible for stories, poetry, knowledge, beliefs, and customs to be recorded and passed on more accurately to people out of earshot and to future generations.

As the customs and knowledge of ancient civilizations became more complex, many skills would have been learned from a master on the job, in construction, stone work, metal work, boat building, animal husbandry, agriculture, the making of weapons and defenses, the military skills, and many other occupations. Schools of formal learning were also established, although schooling was usually only available to a small part of the population, either at religious institutions or for the wealthy who could afford to pay for their tutors. The earliest known universities, or places of higher education, started teaching a millennium or more ago.

However, for most of the past 2000 years in many civilizations across the world, a formal general education, even at primary level, and literacy have been available only to small sections of the community. In most cultures, universal formal education of all children is a recent development, not occuring in many countries until after 1850. Even today, in some parts of the world, literacy rates are below 60 per cent (for example, in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and most of Africa).

Schools, colleges and universities have not been the only methods of formal education and training. Many professions have additional training requirements, and in Europe, from the Middle Ages until recent times, the skills of a trade were not generally learnt in a classroom, but rather by serving an apprenticeship.

Nowadays, formal education consists of systematic instruction, teaching and training by professional teachers. This consists of the application of pedagogy and the development of curricula.


Components of most schools

Schools are organized spaces purposed for teaching and learning. The classrooms, where teachers teach and students learn, are of central importance, but typical schools have many other areas which may include:

* Cafeteria (Commons), dining hall or canteen where students eat lunch.
* athletic field, playground, gym, and/or track place where students participating in sports or physical education practice
* auditorium or hall where student theatrical or musical productions can be staged and where all-school events such as assemblies are held.
* office where the administrative work of the school is done.
* library where students consult and check out books.
* Specialized classrooms including laboratories for science education.
* A Computer lab where computer-based work is done

A library is a collection of information, sources, resources, and services, and the structure in which it is housed: it is organized for use and maintained by a public body, an institution, or a private individual. In the more traditional sense, a library is a collection of books. The term can mean the collection, the building that houses such a collection, or both.

The collection and services are used by people who choose not to — or cannot afford to — purchase an extensive collection themselves, who need material no individual can reasonably be expected to have, or who require professional assistance with their research.

However, with the collection of media other than books for storing information, many libraries are now also repositories and access points for maps, prints, or other documents and works of art on various storage media such as microform (microfilm/microfiche), audio tapes, CDs, LPs, cassettes, videotapes, and DVDs. Libraries may also provide public facilities to access CD-ROMs, subscription databases, and the Internet.

Thus, modern libraries are increasingly being redefined as places to get unrestricted access to information in many formats and from many sources. In addition to providing materials, they also provide the services of specialists, librarians, who are experts at finding and organizing information and at interpreting information needs.

More recently, libraries are understood as extending beyond the physical walls of a building, by including material accessible by electronic means, and by providing the assistance of librarians in navigating and analyzing tremendous amounts of knowledge with a variety of digital tools.

The term "library" has itself acquired a secondary meaning: "a collection of useful material for common use," and in this sense is used in fields such as computer science, mathematics and statistics, electronics and biology.

* 1 History
o 1.1 Antiquity
o 1.2 Libraries in Persian Empire
o 1.3 Libraries in the Hellenic world and Rome
o 1.4 Ancient Chinese libraries
o 1.5 Early Middle Ages
o 1.6 Middle Ages
* 2 Islamic libraries
* 3 Medieval Christian libraries
o 3.1 Early modern libraries
* 4 Public libraries
* 5 Types of libraries
* 6 Organization
* 7 Library use
* 8 Library management
* 9 Famous libraries
* 10 Standardization
* 11 See also
* 12 References
* 13 External links
o 13.1 Directories of libraries
o 13.2 Other resources

A computer lab, also known as a Computer Suite is typically a room which contains many networked computers for public use. Computer labs can be found in libraries, schools, government buildings, science labs, community centers, companies with IT departments that requires such a place for their employees to do their jobs, and research centers. They are distinct from Internet cafes in that the usage of the computer lab is typically free for those with access. Printers, scanners, and other peripherals may augment the lab setup.


Because they are shared by multiple users, computers in typical labs often have security software installed. This software may limit, trace, or block certain activities. Macintosh computers may have software such as the older At Ease or the newer MacAdministrator. Windows computers may have protection software such as Fortres or Deep Freeze, and often contain network applications, like Novell NetWare for network security and administration. Due to the high number of computers in a lab, many lab administrators choose to use remote administration software such as VNC. Computer labs in schools often have classroom management software installed to manage and control student computer activity from the teacher’s computer, to monitor or prevent web browsing and to remotely control student computers.

The computers are often in a computer network. The computers may also be thin clients.

In addition, some companies such as Kinkos or Mail Boxes Etc. provide labs with computers to use for an hourly fee. Computers are used for research and other reasons.

See also

* Internet cafe
* TECH Center – computer lab and technology facility at Temple University
* University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory and Oxford University Computing Laboratory – two early and prominent computer science departments that are called "laboratory" for historic reasons


1. ^ Online Etymology Dictionary; H.G. Liddell & R. Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon
2. ^ School Vandalism Takes Its Toll
3. ^ Bulling, Anti-bullying Legislation, and School Safety
4. ^ Work-Related Stress in teaching
5. ^ Teacher Support for England & Wales
6. ^ Teacher Support for Scotland
7. ^
8. ^
9. ^


* Dodge, B. (1962). ‘Muslim Education in the Medieval Times’, The Middle East Institute, Washington D.C.
* Education as Enforcement: The Militarization and Corporatization of Schools, edited by Kenneth J. Saltman and David A. Gabbard, RoutledgeFalmer
* Makdisi, G. (1980). ‘On the origin and development of the college in Islam and the West’, in Islam and the Medieval West, ed. Khalil I. Semaan, State University of New York Press
* Nakosteen, M. (1964). ‘History of Islamic origins of Western Education AD 800-1350’, University of Colorado Press, Boulder, Colorado,
* Ribera, J. (1928). ‘Disertaciones Y Opusculos’, 2 vols. Madrid
* Spielhofer, Thomas, Tom Benton, Sandie Schagen. “A study of the effects of school size and single-sex education in English schools.” Research Papers in Education Jun. 2004:133 159, 27.
* Toppo, Greg. "High-tech school security is on the rise." USA Today 9 Oct 2006.
* Traditions and Encounters, by Jerry H. Bentley and Herb F. Ziegler